Is the space allowed for the installation of a RHEED gun very tight? Do you want to upgrade an existing RHEED with a state of the art system compatible with all major vacuum manufacturers? The answer is our new compact gun design.The length of the gun is reduced to a minimum as all electrical feedthroughs are mounted on the side of the source. The electron optical system remains the same as the standard gun and
S T A I Bīs proven beam performance are unchanged. All advan-tages, like externally adjustable orientation of the beam deflection, differential pumping option, beam blanking and fast beam pulsing, are still available.This new design is available for electron beam energies of
15 kV and 20 kV. A special design is also available for 30 kV and 35 kV. Please ask for more information.
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Short sources available

Model Energy Options Length (mm / inch)
RH 15 S1 15,000 V Diff. pumping 246 / 9.7"
RH 15 S2 15,000 V Beam Rocking
Diff. pumping
296 / 11.7"
RH 20 S1 20,000 V Diff. pumping 246 / 9.7"
RH 20 S2 20,000 V Beam Rocking
Diff. pumping
296 / 11.7"
RH 35 S1 35,000 V Beam Rocking 330 / 13"
RH 35 S2 35,000 V Beam Rocking
Diff. pumping
390 / 15.4"


VIEW of the SOURCE m15s_gun.jpg (21118 Byte)

rheed.gif (1063 Byte)