Technical Description of the PEEM WORK STATION

Three Chamber System for

  • PEEM, LEED-AUGER, Evaporator and Quartz Monitor,
  • Ion Gun and STM Chamber
  • General description

The system is a very versatile instrument for surface studies on the base of industrial standard analysis or for research purposes. It basically combines PEEM, LEED-Auger with evaporation cells and STM with preparation capabilities.
Samples can be transfered between any chamber without breaking the vacuum. Preparation capabilities are heating, ion cleaning, material deposition by evaporation.
Sample characterization in the preparation chamber includes gas monitoring with Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, surface analysis by LEED and AUGER. The PEEM chamber is equipped with a state-of-the-art microscope offering high spatial resolution and energy filtering capability for absolute measurement of the workfunction.
In complement to these methods sample can be analyzed by a STM at atomic scale.
All vacuum parts, analysis system and evaporation components are UHV compatible. The chambers are installed in bakeable frames and are equipped with a damping system. With a bakeout controller and user-friendly bakeout the system ca be baked up to 250
0 C. (STM chamber up to 1500 C.)